Welcome to Port City Kids - Child Care Gladstone
Port City Kids is dedicated to providing a safe, friendly environment that fosters your child's social and educational development. We also offer extended hours to meet your individual needs.
We employ high quality, well educated, mature and caring staff, sharing a commitment to provide a fully caring, motivating and enjoyable educational environment for your child.
We aim to nurture and educate - develop your child's behaviour, confidence, personality and character.
Child Care Gladstone - Port City Kids
We specialise in
0-5 Years
Kindergarten and Pre-school
Child Care benefits available
Friendly & professional staff
Before and after school care
Vacation care


4 outdoor play areas
Family owned & operated
Our Centre is modern, purpose built for childcare and are of the highest quality. You are welcome to call, email or visit our centres at any time. Our staff will be happy to show you around and answer any questions you have.

Business Hours
Monday to Friday 6:00am - 6:00pm
For more information contact us on 07 4972 2344

Port City Kids
Child Care Gladstone - Child Care Gladstone
Ph: 07 4972 2344 Gladstone